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Often people ask me what I am reading and what kinds of books I enjoy. I have read a lot of books over the years about a variety of topics. If I am looking to “escape” for a few hours, I read fantasy novels, mostly set in the mid-evil or historical Dark Age periods.  I hate crime novels, in general. I really dislike anything that glorifies the gangster lifestyle.

I also read a lot of self-help and new age books. I love The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, The Shack, Celestial Prophecy by James Redfield and We’re All Doing Time by Bo Lozof. Books that tell a story while imparting a lesson are great.  Also, books on emotional intelligence think and grow rich and even basic text books are enlightening to me.  The “For Dummies” franchise is really great!

I spent a lot of years studying the Bible, Torah, Koran and The Dead Sea Scrolls and even some Buddhist teachings. From those and The Secret, I have gained a strong belief in karma and the laws of attraction. I truly believe we are and become what we think. If we keep negative thoughts close to our hearts and minds … then we will attract negativity into our lives. Also, if we continue to deal with people in a selfish and underhanded manner, karma will come back to “haunt us!” Over the years, I gained a lot from my religious studies. Yet I am smart enough to know I truly will never know it all.  I just strive each day to grow and keep my mind open.

I believe through reading a variety of things, even when it is sometimes pure escapism, it has helped me not lose my humanity in a place where bitterness and hate are the status quo. It has been a hard road to not become like those around me and assimilate into this prison culture.  I remind myself daily that “these are not my peers; this is not a community I want to fit into.” Yet, I understand that this place is the bottom of society’s barrel and even though I wouldn’t want most of these people as my neighbors … I possess the ability to be compassionate to those I am around daily. That is an important tool to not becoming a bitter and angry old man in prison.  Books and the exploration of me through what I have read have been instrumental in helping me maintain perspective and stay compassionate to my fellow man, be them in here (prison) or free.

Well, that is my take on some of the books I have read and a little insight on what I’ve gained from them. I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes. I truly believe these words:

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller

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